Course Requests


Determine the type of course you need by reading course type descriptions below

  • Combined: This allows instructors to combine multiple sections of same course into one course to teach from in Canvas. Multiple due dates and times can be selected per individual section of the class if desired.
  • Development: This is used to create new course content. You do not teach from this type of course; it is just a placeholder to be used to setup a course before the official Banner course is added to Canvas.
  • Training: A formal training course where a user goes through all the material, takes a quiz that must be passed, and gets a grade. Example: Security Awareness Training
  • Project: A course for uploading information that a group of people needs. An online course where participants can collaborate via discussions.
    NOTE: The gradebook is NOT available to students in a Project course
  • Quality Matters (QM): Used for faculty participating in QM Review process.